Monthly seasonal meat box subscription 2025
SubscribeSubscriptions will re-opened in 2025!
Naturally farmed, free range meat from our herbal pastures
Our monthly subscription box is an opportunity to try a little bit of everything and ensure you have a regular supply of naturally farmed, free range meat each month. Subscriptions will run from March to November and contain a selection of cuts from our outdoor raised whey fed pigs, herb grazed lamb, chicken and the odd surprise. The selection will vary with the seasons and what nature has ready for us that month. PRICE £60 per box/per month SEASON March-November 2024 How many boxes to order?Our monthly box will weigh at least 4Kg which will feed approx. 1-2 people. Simply double up at checkout using the option button to order twice as much! Your delivery cost stays the same.
Waste not want not optionWe encourage everyone to eat less processed meat and instead have a smaller amount of better quality meat. We respect the animals that feed us and prefer not to waste any part of them. If you would like to make bone broths/chicken stock or pet treats please tick the 'waste not want not' box after you have checked out and we will happily include a variety of bones, pigs ears and feet in your box for Free.
Gluten free / dietary requirementsIf you are unable to eat a certain type of meat or require gluten free produce please be sure to let us know in the comments box after checkout.
Can I order more?
Yes of course, you can double up at the checkout!
How will we receive our meat?
You are spoilt for choice with 3 options that you can select from when ordering:
1) Courier delivery to your door anywhere in mainland UK £17
2) Free collection from the farm
3) Free local hub drop off
1) Courier delivery to your door anywhere in mainland UK £17
2) Free collection from the farm
3) Free local hub drop off
Collection options map
Meat boxes can be collected from the farm gate or a hub near you in the Perthshire area. You will be able to choose which one when you signup for the meat box subscription.
How is my meat packaged?
We are working towards avoiding plastic where possible but when transporting meat this can be tricky. We are mindful of using sustainable options where possible. We currently use wool insulation in our courier boxes. Local delivery customers will be issued two reusable polystyrene cool boxes (one to return each collection so we can fill the other ready for the next month). These boxes would normally be sent to landfill. By reusing them in this way we are extending their useful life and preventing their unnecessary waste.
What if we are away on collection day?
If you are unable to get a friend or neighbour to collect on your behalf we can freeze your box ready to go out with your next delivery and help see you through the winter months. Please be sure to let us know asap.
Is my subscription automatically renewed?
Just in case circumstances change, renewal is not automatic. Before the season begins again in March you will be given a preferential option to sign up again before places are released online.
How long will I be on the waiting list?
Hopefully not that long. By knowing you are waiting we are able to adjust our stock numbers accordingly and plan for the seasons ahead. It takes the best part of a year to raise our slow grown food so having subscription customers really helps us to meet demand for this year and the next.